Retirement Planning as It Should Be

Put Your Retirement InFocus

Why Choose InFocus?

  • Investment Success – Our clients have custom investment strategies unique to their retirement needs. Our strategies pursue the long-term growth needed to offset your ongoing distributions while utilizing reserves to navigate periods of market volatility.
  • 5 vs. 2 – We have a team of 5 professionals working for you vs. the industry standard of 2, a financial advisor and their assistant. We are a team of credentialed professionals. 5 can do a lot more for you.
  • Lower Cost – As fiduciaries’ we strive to keep your investment expenses low, our approach is proactive in up and down markets, and easy to understand.
  • Tax Planning Included – Our creative tax planning strategies may help boost your net worth and reduce your taxes. We have 39 years of planning experience and know how it should be done.
  • Complimentary First Step – there’s no pressure to commit to our team. We want the best for all who take part in our services.
  • Focus – Our company is focused on one thing: your worry-free proactively managed retirement. Our focus and effort make it effortless for you.

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Services We Offer

Retirement Checklist Consultation

Let’s Get Together — Schedule a one-hour meeting with our team to make sure you’re doing all you can to optimize your retirement — financially speaking.

Investment Management – Distribution Planning, Growing Your Portfolio

We have strategies to manage your portfolio in sync with today’s economy that works towards growing your portfolio with a strategy for risk reduction. There are common sense ways to insulate yourself from the markets when needed.

Portfolio Risk Assessment and Strategies

Review the risk you may be taking on in your investment portfolios and how to reduce that risk so your golden years stay golden.

How to Get Started

  • Set up an easy, 15-minute introductory phone call with a Certified Financial Planner™ from our Retirement Team
  • Schedule your 1-hour free retirement checklist consultation.
  • Let us take care of all your retirement planning questions!

You Should Reach Out If…

  • You are planning for retirement.
  • You are already retired.
  • You want to be doing the most you can to be successful in retirement.

Expand Your Retirement Vision

Older Couple with arms around each other smiling and leaning on their golf clubs

Time to take your retirement planning up a notch! You deserve to relax, enjoy your life, and know that your golden years are in good hands. Spend just one hour with our trusted advisors to see what you can do to make your retirement even better—financially speaking. Our Retirement Checklist Consultation is the first step to getting you on track to the worry-free retirement you’re dreaming of!

How does our team fit into your financial future? After your free consultation, consider how InFocus Financial Advisors can add confidence, bring guidance, and expand on your retirement vision.

Schedule Your Time To Talk Today

Robert Jeter, CFP®, CRPC®, Vice President & Financial Advisor

Robert is a Financial Advisor serving families across Delmarva with offices in Salisbury, MD and Georgetown, DE. He is the Vice President of InFocus Financial Advisors, Inc. His company’s vision is to be the leading Delmarva area resource in helping people formulate, successfully navigate, and subsequently achieve their financial plans and goals for their retirement futures.

Their proprietary ClearView 360 process begins with a no-cost, no-obligation consultation to help people take the first step in being confident in their retirement decision. InFocus Financial Advisors brings leadership to the retirement planning field by providing services that go beyond the status quo financial services.

Portrait photo of man in blue suit with white shirt and pattern tie

We do more
for our clients

Yes. We partner with Cetera Advisors, LLC who is an independent broker-dealer. That means we don’t offer proprietary products. We have access to a broad suite of investment options and products that we can select from to deliver solutions in the best interest of each and every one of our clients.

Our firm is made up of a team of credentialed professionals and will always be accessible to help. Our goal is your call will always be answered during office hours. Whatever the issue or question may be, our team addresses it the second we hear about it. In most cases, you will not be billed in addition to any applicable fees involved in the client-planner relationship.

Yes we do. Not only can we refer you to other local professionals, we work in tandem with them to provide the best all around solutions for our clients. We pride ourselves on being part and leading local professional organizations to further team-based client solutions and our own knowledge base.

Our first hour is of no cost to you. Working together after the first meeting, we pride ourselves on transparent fees and relationship. We mostly work clients on a fee basis, depending on the size of your account and planning complexity. That means our fees are either deducted directly from your account that we are managing or billed on an hourly basis. These fees are discussed and agreed upon in advance of any plan or relationship implementation.

This is mostly up to you. Generally, in the first year there are typically more meetings as we get your initial planning completed and implemented. After the first year, we like to sit down with you 1-2 times a year for a full and in-depth financial review. Our team also provides regular market update webinars and regular communication so you will never miss something important happening in the market or around the office. We even throw in a few fun events and we’ll make sure that you don’t miss out.

We primarily focus on helping people transition into retirement. Our regular process and investment philosophy is geared towards individuals at this life stage. We also work closely with our clients families, including younger generations to help them get on the right track to build their own wealth.

We have a regular, formal investment committee and process. Our investment philosophy is one of growth with an underlying focus on risk-management. To manage portfolio risk, we periodically trim positions with significant profit and buy into markets to navigate periods of volatility. Over-time, we believe this will reduce overall portfolio volatility and risk. We thoroughly research investment solutions prior to implementing them in client portfolios using a fiduciary criteria and due diligence process.