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SubmitWhat We’re Reading – Year End Edition 2022
- Morningstar – Small Cap Stocks Are Really Cheap
- We’ve made changes in our portfolio over the last year to take advantage of certain asset classes that are at historically attractive levels. Small Cap U.S. stocks are one of those asset classes. This is a good read on what makes them cheap compared to historical levels
- Wall Street Journal – When Is It Time to Retire?
- A great article on what goes into deciding when its time to walk away. The author gives a personal perspective on his own journey and that of readers
- Morningstar – How to Create Your Estate Plan Checklist
- Another great article from Morningstar’s Christine Benz on a simple checklist for you to use in constructing and updating your estate plan
- Institute for Supply Management – Report on Business November 2022
- Do you like Economic data? What are businesses saying about the current climate? Read excerpts from various businesses across the U.S. on what they are seeing and saying on the U.S. economy.
- BlackRock – Student of the Markets November 2022
- A great slide deck putting the year so far into perspective and what may lie ahead. This is a great resource that simplifies the complexities
Investors cannot directly invest in indices. Past Performance does not guarantee future results.
Investments in securities do not offer a fix rate of return. Principal, yield and/or share price will fluctuate with changes in market conditions and, when sold or redeemed, you may receive more or less than originally investor. No system or financial planning strategy can guarantee future results.