Thursday, May 16, 2024 | 10:00-11:00 AM

InFocus Financial Advisors, Inc.
Understanding Annuities

Lewes Public Library | 111 Adams Ave, Lewes, DE 19958


Understanding Annuities

Planning for retirement can be tricky, it’s full of twists, turns, and not nearly enough road signs. The workshop on Understanding Annuities will focus on breaking down the challenges of annuities to help attendees gain an understanding of what annuities are, how they work, and when annuities are a suitable choice for an investor. The workshop will also focus on when annuities are not suitable for investors and how they can negatively impact your retirement success.

Our team will be covering:

  • What Annuities Are, and How they Work
  • When Annuities Are a Suitable Choice for Investors
  • How Annuities Can Negatively Impact Your Retirement Success.

Sponsored by the Retirement Bootcamp Series, Delaware Money School. Taught by Robert Jeter, CFP®, CRPC®

Trust InFocus for Your Financial Needs. Since 1993.
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About InFocus Financial Advisors, Inc.

Our highly educated and experienced team is a nice blend of size and sophistication in a world of “low-value single advisor offices” or “over-staffed high-fee offices.” Our team has advanced and personalized investment and planning capabilities, while keeping the costs to clients lower than the industry average.