Thursday, August 31, 2023 | 5:00 - 7:00 PM

InFocus Financial Advisors, Inc.
Bring a Friend Event

Evolution Craft Brewing Company | Salisbury, MD


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About InFocus Financial Advisors, Inc. Bring a Friend Event

We’ll have an experienced travel agent come to speak about great travel ideas and opportunities for everyone. Eric and Robert will also be speaking afterward regarding how to budget for great vacations and travel going forward without impacting your cash flows, portfolios, and overall chance of financial success.

We hope to see you there!

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About InFocus Financial Advisors, Inc.

In a world of “low-value single advisor offices” or “over-staffed high-fee offices,” our highly educated and experienced team is a nice blend of size and sophistication, with advanced and personalized investment and planning capabilities. Our office is sied to accomplish a great deal while keeping the costs to clients lower than the industry average.